Man’s Higher Consciousness

Man’s Higher Consciouness: “Life is Creation’s greatest treasure for Man in the flesh, and most men should enjoy it much


The Mysterious Sphinx

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Awaken The World Within

Awaken World Within: “When the ancient religious system was overthrown in the revolution that began in 325 AD at the First


Queens Moo & The Egyptian Sphinx

Coming Soon! …


The Great Law

Great Law: “The (so-called) civilizations of today consider themselves “educated and enlightened”. Actually, they are, to a great extent, brainwashed


Philosophy & Opinions of Marcus Garvey : Hardback

Philosophy Opinions Marcus Garvey: “YOU HAVE AFRICA, you are in other continents and islands of the sea, you are millions


Philosophy & Opinions of Marcus Garvey : Paperback

Marcus Garvey admonishes Africans astray in the diaspora: “You have AFRICA, you are in other  continents and islands of the


The Holy Herb

Holy Herb: The highly social nature of marijuana is unmistakable; one of the most striking features of the drug is


China/Africa & The 21st Century

China/Africa 21st Century: The 21st Century’s CHINA/AFRICA economic train has left the station. Few Europeans and Americans are consciously privileged


The Beijing Maestro

A historical novel, The Beijing Maestro enthralls, grips, fascinates and rivets. A story of survival and triumph, illustrating clearly how one

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The Queens Of Egypt

Queens Egypt: The history of Ancient Egypt is full of surprises for the modern investigator. Its extraordinary culture, the high


The History of the Yorubas

History Yorubas: The King was said to be in friendly relations with the King of France with whom he had


Yoruba: Religion and Medicine in Ibadan

Yoruba Religion Medicine Ibadan: Concerning the status of Olodumaré, Idowu finds Yoruba theology emphasizes the unique status of Olodumaré. He


The Forgotten Books of Eden

Forgotten Books Eden: The Forgotten Books of Eden, barred from biblical sanctity and relegated to centuries of esoteric obscurity, come


The Kybalion

Kybalion: In this work we have endeavored to give you an idea of the fundamental teachings of the Kybalion, striving
