The Golden Dawn
The Mother Church, born in darkness, developed in the blood of millions of innocent victims who refused to embrace its false dogma, sustained by instilling the fear of death into the mind of the masses, beholds the brilliant reflection of the Golden Dawn and trembles.
For the sign of the approach of the Golden Dawn heralds the reviving of the lost wisdom of the Ancient Magi; which informs man of the mysteries of Creation that will liberate his mind from the fear of death.
Empyreal Sea – Live 1400 Years
Why do deer and crows live long? Why do some of the lowly turtles live 1500 years? If an animal can live so long, why can’t man live just as long? Surely, we should be able to discover the reason for the turtle’s longevity. By applying these principles to the way of man, then he too should live, to say the least, as long as a useless turtle.
The Secret of Regeneration Book 2
Secret Regenaration: Dr. Walter Siegmeister, writing in How to Live magazine of February, 1935, says: “If modem society was not
The Secret of Regeneration Book 1
Secret Regenaration: Dr. Walter Siegmeister, writing in How to Live magazine of February, 1935, says: “If modem society was not
The Facts of Nutrition
Contents: The variety of the organism depends not on the food and drink, for experience teaches athletes to go into
The Magic World
Hotema tells a private story about himself that he has never before told in his writings. Contents: Magic Intelligence, Magic
Ancient Secret of Personal Power: Tetragrammation
Good Health is the very foundation of Success. And we have heard health is man’s birthright. That is another grievous
Cosmic Science of the Ancient Masters
Contents: The Course of Study, 58 wonderful lessons. These lessons show how the higher faculties of mind and soul may
Ancient Sun God
Contents: The Ancient Light, The Great Sun God, Secret of the Stars, Astrology Changed to Astronomy, Virgin Mother, Majesty of
The Wise Mind of Emperor Haile Sellassie 1
We must become bigger than we have been, more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members
My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress: Volume 1 : E-Book
(Volume 1) (My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress) (My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress) The first Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie is
The Holy Herb : E-Book
Holy Herb: The highly social nature of marijuana is unmistakable; one of the most striking features of the drug is
The Great Law : E-Book
Great Law: “The (so-called) civilizations of today consider themselves “educated and enlightened”. Actually, they are, to a great extent, brainwashed
Awaken The World Within : E-Book
Awaken World Within: “When the ancient religious system was overthrown in the revolution that began in 325 AD at the First
The Mysterious Sphinx : E-Book
Mysterious Sphinx: “The Sphinx of Egypt is far older than historical Egypt, older than her gods, much older than the world